November 27, 2013

Black Friday sales!

Yippee for Thanksgiving break!

  Tomorrow we hope to post something Thanksgiving-y, but today we're going to give you some heads-ups on Black Friday dolls sales! I think I might wake up at twelve and do some online shopping at AG. :D

   * American Girl has GREAT sales on Black Friday, and they also sell some retired items (extra stock, I think) at great prices... but you have to be there early if you're going to get anything good!

*The other sale I know about is at A Girl for All Time... I was really considering getting one of these dolls but the price isn't very sweet going down... Black Friday and the week after they are having a sale of 10% off and free shipping... maybe Matilda will make her way to me on Christmas! ;)

Matilda, Your Tudor Girlâ„¢                                                                     

November 25, 2013

My Thoughts on Isabelle

  It's that time of year again!
   Doll Diaries has released the above photo from an ebay listing... the GOTY 2014! Now it's time for opinions to be made, as well as guesses for future parts of her collection.

  We thought we'd get in on the fun! So here is Saige's Locket's opinion of the GOTY 2014:

  Of course, the pictures of Isabelle are not high quality, so I am not certain about her looks... but she is disappointing. I think that she is too main stream, considering all of the different face molds, hair and eye combinations and story lines that AG could've picked from.

  She looks a lot like MAG #27 to me.

  Char (DD) mentioned that Isabelle's hair was "ombre", which I'm guessing means that it kind of changes colors from top to bottom... I don't see it in this picture but it ought to be interesting.

  Also, it's been said that there will be THREE books for Isabelle instead of two, which would be a welcome change.

  Basically: Dance is not the only promising story line. Since this is a "sports oriented" GOTY year (it alternates between sports and creativity, usually), what about soccer, tennis, VOLLEYBALL, basketball, softball, track.... guys, the list is a bit too long to pick the same theme twice. Marisol was a dancer. Mckenna was a gymnast, and gymnastics is sometimes very closely incorporated with dancing.

   So what I'm saying is: Get some real issues, American Girl. Your dolls these days are based on the majority of what young girls want... in the merchandise area. I know, you're a company and you need revenue to keep making products... but I think all of us would still buy if you went along the lines of unique. Kanani, one of the most unique dolls I've seen is one of the most wanted dolls on the secondary market!

  Also, the stories. Saige was distraught because her school was alternating between art and music... Well, my school doesn't have either of those programs, and I've still survived! Think about Kirsten: her best friend DIED. Think about Kaya: She was KIDNAPPED. Samantha had to deal with issues around her such as hunger, poverty, and child abuse.

   Okay, I'll stop before I get too overworked. :)

   I still have hopes for this GOTY, American Girl. Don't let me down!

November 19, 2013

.I took a ticket for the long way round.

Let's just say that the title says everything.

  I've been back and forth with band concerts, volleyball tournaments, school... my life is pretty crazy.

But volleyball is over, and my life has sort of returned to normal! :) So I'm pleased to say that I'm back and very excited! I'm going to try and get some posts ready over the weekend. See you soon!