March 17, 2014

Cue the Fangirl!

Obviously Frozen was one of the most popular movies last year, and I am in love with it (DVD comes out tomorrow :D)! The Frozen Classic dolls, however, have been sold out since February. Since they were so popular we all knew that Disney was going to stock them again, so for the past few weeks I've been checking the website every day and watching them add more and more Frozen merchandise to their section. Today, the dolls are back in stock! If I wasn't saving up for a trip to the AGP (more on that later) I would buy the Deluxe Fashion pack with their coronation dresses and both dolls, but at $70 it's a bit steep. So I have a question: 

Should I get Anna: 
Anna Classic Doll - Frozen - 12''

Elsa Classic Doll - Frozen - 12''

Or should I splurge and get both?

Anna and Elsa Doll Set - Frozen - 12''

Right now I'm leaning more toward Anna.... What do you think? 



  1. I think Anna looks cuter! :)

  2. Anna, elsa's hair is kinda messed up.

  3. I got Anna! Elsa was sold out:(

  4. Great! Anna looks the nicest anyway, I think.

  5. I love Frozen!!!!! I think Anna looks better as a doll, but Elsa looks better in the movie.

  6. Anna :) I also am in love with the movie!!!!


Feel free to comment! I would love your feedback, but please, be kind with your words. You don't know who's reading. ;)